Tag Archives: blog meme

Blog Meme: TRUST and Writing Stars

ImageToday I’m joining a blogging meme to get myself thinking about some different things related to this blog. The challenge (thanks to Edie Melson over at The Write Conversation) is to use an acrostic of the word TRUST and how it can tie in with the blog.

So here goes …

T = Teens and tweens, who I write this blog for. And, yes, I’ve been slack about things lately but am really trying to get back on schedule.

R = Reviews of books that are good for teens and tweens. Most of the books I post about and review are written from a Christian perspective because I follow Christ – and because they’re great books written by wonderfully talented authors. I’ll sometimes mention or review books from a secular publisher (as opposed to one that focuses on the Christian market), but will still follow my no-smut-allowed rule.

U = Understanding how much your teachers are trying to cram into your brains, and how limited their time to do that really is. I come from a long line of teachers on both sides of my family, so I’m pretty familiar with their challenges even though I’m not standing in front of a classroom full of you every day. A lot of the writing tips I cover here are straight from my kids’ class curriculums, because I know those are the real-world things you’re expected to know. As I say on my About page, I’m not trying to replace what teachers do in the classroom – I’m just trying to give an extra boost to their lessons and hopefully help you understand things better.

S = Spotlights on authors who might be new to you. Did you know that most authors (except the super big name ones who’ve sold a gazillion books) have to do the bulk of book promotion and marketing themselves? The word gets out about great books because readers who enjoy the stories or who know the authors share it with other readers. They blog, they write book reviews, they tell their friends. My hope is that you’ll get interested in some of the authors I spotlight here and will check out their books for yourself.

T = Tips for becoming a better writer, whether it’s a paper for your English class or that novel you scribble notes about when you’re supposed to be asleep … or studying for that science test … or listening to your mom’s latest lecture.

I guess Writing Stars has more to do with trust than I realized. 🙂 Do you think that’s an accurate rundown? Or, if not, what would your suggestions be?

And since this is a meme … now it’s your turn! Click below to link your own blog post about TRUST.


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